Auckland CCC
Covers Northland and Auckland

Annual Membership Fee
Local Magazine Emailed
Hard Copy Posted
Membership of the Citroën Car Club of New Zealand Inc is available through one or more of the Regional Branch Clubs.
You can join up to two Branch Clubs, if you have primary and secondary residences.
Membership of any one Branch Club gives access to all benefits of the CCCNZ and allows you to attend any event nationwide.
Membership Fees are levied annually. Some Branches pro-rata if you join part way through the year. Click the Club name on the adjacent map to find out more and join the Club.
If you wish to only SUBSCRIBE to the New Zealand Citroën magazine
If you wish to renew your membership to a Branch Club, please contact your Club Secretary
Explore our branches below by clicking on a region.
To Join, please scroll down to find out more about the Branch Club that covers your location and access the joining form.