Mainland Redezvous 10th – 12th March 2023
A very warm welcome to those intending to Register for the 2023 National Rally hosted by the Canterbury Citroën Car Club, to be held at the Rangiora Showgrounds, Friday to Saturday 10th – 121th March.
The pre-registration has now closed.
Registrations will open on the 14th November.
Programme of Events:
Friday 10th March: Evening reception and rally pack collection from 6 pm at Armstrong Citroën, 161 Saint Asaph Street, Christchurch. Finger food and refreshments available while you catch up with friends old and new.
Saturday morning 11th March the Pride of Ownership will take place at the Rangiora Showgrounds, 156 Ashley Street in Rangiora. All events will be held here and the Spotting Run will commence from here.
Saturday afternoon 11th March the Grass Gymkhana will be held.
Saturday evening 11th March a b.b.q. style buffet meal will be held in the Events Centre on-site.
Sunday morning 12th March the CCCNZ AGM will be held in the Events Centre and the Spotting Run briefing will also take place here, following the AGM This is also the location of the prize giving dinner on Sunday evening.
Lunches are provided on Saturday and Sunday and morning and afternoon tea will also be available.
Monday morning 13th March is the start of the Post Rally Tour. Click HERE for details. (link not active as yet)
A timetable of all events will be included in your rally pack.
General Rules of the Rally
- All vehicles entered must carry a current registration and Warrant of Fitness.
- All Road Code rules must be obeyed when on public roads.
- Only members of the CCCNZ, which includes all Branch Club members, who are registered for the rally and competing in Citroën, DS and Panhard vehicles are eligible for the Pride of Ownership, Trial and Gymkhana trophies.
- More than one driver may enter the events using the same vehicle.
- Pride of Ownership will be judged by popular vote; the Overall Rally Trophy will be awarded for the best overall aggregate points in both driven events.
- Trophies awarded to overseas entrants must be retained in New Zealand
Camping sites are available at the Rangiora Showgrounds
Cook Straight Ferries:
AND North Islanders, don’t forget to book your ferry crossings. Access discounted fares HERE
Trophy List and Competition Events
A full list of National Rally trophies and certificates for competition events can be found HERE
Registration conditions
By completing your registration below, I/we acknowledge that I/we will be participating in the Citroën Car Club Rally at my/our own risk and that I/we will not hold the Canterbury Car Club or the Citroën Car Club of New Zealand or their officers responsible for any loss, injury or damage incurred to persons or property while engaged in the event.
I/we also agree to abide by the General Rules of the Rally (above).
Before you Register
Please note that you must be logged into this website for your registration to be successful.
If you do not have an account or you have forgotten your username or email address then please chose “Contact us” from the top menu and include in the message section “Registration assistance required please”. We will contact you within 48 hrs.
You may choose to pay via:
- Offline (Internet Banking or Telephone banking)
- POLi. (automated internet banking)
If paying Offline, you’ll be provided bank account details via email following your registration.
If paying by POLi, payment will go to the GWCCC bank account and then transferred to the Canterbury Clubs Rally account. This is for security reasons.
If you require assistance with your registration please fill in the form below
Also attending the National Rally are:
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